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DECAN Djibouti - Protection and Restoration of the Damerjog Mangrove


Carbon Removal



About the Projects

DECAN Djibouti is a carbon removal project by KlimateNet member Bertrand Lafrance carried out in the Douda Nature Reserve, an area of approximately 680 hectares on the animal refuge managed by DECAN. The aim is to protect and restore a diverse ecosystem, ranging from acacia forests to mangrove forests.


These forests are natural carbon sinks which also prevent erosion and soil impoverishment. It is an essential element in the fight against the effects of climate change. By safeguarding animal and plant biodiversity, these forests play a key role in the food security of the poorest people who will be most impacted by desertification, which increases every year. Furthermore, sand dunes and beaches adorn a coastline rich in unique fauna (mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, etc.) More than 150 species of birds have already been identified.


The project will:

Fight against overgrazing, fight against invasive species (Prosopis) and fight against wild harvesting (particularly sand). Nurseries and ecotourism are the preferred tools to make this area a unique and clean site, close to the capital.


The 3 beneficiary communities are:

-        Artisanal fishermen and old-fashioned charcoal makers.

-        Neighboring villages where hired labour is recruited.

-        City dwellers and schools to raise awareness and practice healthy, non-polluting leisure activities.


Their need: Funding, volunteers and equipment to produce low-scale wood pellets from the invasive species Prosopis affecting the project.


Their offer: Internship opportunities at their shelter in Djibouti.

On the KlimateNet App, in the past events section, you can watch the replay of the 60 minute webinar KlimateNet organised with Bertrand Lafrance, founder and President of DECAN Djibouti and Mathieu Mahamoud-Issa project manager. You can also contact them directly on the KlimateNet app in the Forestation group for more information.


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