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Xplorea raising awareness about the impacts of climate change


Carbon Reduction



About the Project

Xplorea is a French association co-founded by KlimateNet member Emile Dhorne with Louis Bazizin and Xenia Saillard in 2023 and every year they organise one extreme sports Xpedition in a remote area to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities.


As a French not-for-profit, they are committed to understanding local perceptions and giving a voice to local communities to sensitize public opinion to climate change mitigation and adaptation.


Last year, with the support of KlimateNet, they went on a 8-day kayaking expedition on the Nile River to increase awareness about water scarcity and pollution, as well as food security. They had the opportunity to give two conferences, including one as part of the 2023 Cairo Climate Talks, a high-level three-day event sponsored by the French Embassy to Egypt and the German Embassy to Egypt. They also organized a photography exhibition called "KEEP it clean" at the French Institute in Egypt to raise awareness amongst young French speaking students.


For their upcoming Xpedition, they have decided to focus on the impacts of sea level rise on vulnerable communities in Indonesia. This Xpedition will take them from Java to Borneo, by bike, boat and even through the jungle.


They are currently looking for partners and sponsors to join them on their next adventure which will take them to Indonesia in just a few months - this August!


Their need: Funding and collaboration


Their offer: A photography exhibition, conferences, daily social media content and many more exciting things to come! This is a unique opportunity to support an innovative project bringing together sports and awareness raising, while giving a voice to the local communities of Indonesia.


On the KlimateNet App you can replay the webinar we organised with Xplorea founders, Emile Dhorne, Co-founder and Co-President of Xplorea and Xenia Saillard, in the Members in France group to find out more about supporting their work!

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