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Biogas Recovery Project in Abuja, Nigeria


Carbon Reduction



About the Project

Trashformas is a carbon reduction project by KlimateNet member Thara Atta in Abuja, Nigeria. It is a pilot project to recover, purify, compress and distribute biogas, for the purpose of commercialization.


This will serve as an alternative cooking gas option for low and medium income households in a developing economy. It is part of Trashformas’ comprehensive array of sustainable solutions, embodying their dedication to pioneering environmental innovation and renewable energy alternatives. The project is designed to address the pressing need for clean energy sources while mitigating the adverse impacts of traditional fossil fuels on the environment and human health.


Their Need: Funding, expert knowledge, and collaboration.


Their Offer: Data on product usage, market outreach and product impact.


Do not miss the opportunity to join the webinar KlimateNet organises on July 10th at 1pm UK time with for Thara Atta, CEO of Trashformas to share her project. You can sign up on the App. Feel free also to contact her on the KlimateNet app, in the biochar group for more information.



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